Central Station Questions

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Central Station Services & Questions

Central Station Monitoring Offerings

Our Own Two Way Radio Communications

UL Listed 24/7 Central Station Monitoring

Cellular Backup Communications

Internet IP Monitoring & Backup

Supervised Opening & Closing

LatchKey Child Monitoring

Event Monitoring & Notification

Elder Services

Interactive Services

Why Do I Need A Password?

Passwords are used for confirming you identification with the command center. You will need to give a valid name and password before the command center can accept your instructions to cancel or test your alarm. Anyone who has a key for your home might need to disarm your system, should have a pass code and understand the procedures for canceling an alarm.

If My Power In The Home Goes Out, Will My Alarm System Still Work?

Yes. Your system will function exactly as normal while running on the backup battery. It will go into a power saving mode to conserve the battery. This includes turning off the keypad until a button is pressed. Be aware, if you have digital phones, your phone lines may not work, preventing your system from communicating. We offer a two way radio technology that does not require a phone line so it is not reliant on any telephone and/or cable company. Please click here for more info on our radio network.

How Can I Test The System Myself

Call the command center and let them know that you want to put the system on test. Your pass card will have all of the information you need: The command center phone number, your account number and pass code. Some authorities also like to be notified when testing is being performed. Conduct you test by arming your system and setting off devices or by using the test feature if you have one. Call the command center to verify that all the signals you sent were received. When you’re finished testing, tell the command center. Contact us if you find any problems.

Why Should One Person Be Responsible For Managing My Alarm?

It’s very important for commercial and industrial accounts to have someone on-site to be responsible for managing the system. Not only does it improve our ability to service the system it avoids confusion for the other employees.  The system manager would be responsible for keeping records, updating user information and training other employees.

What If I Give The Command Center Special Instructions?

Let’s say that your doing some remodeling that might set off a fire alarm or a device needs a battery but you can’t correct the problem immediately.  You can instruct the command Center to put your system or any part of it into test for up to 24 hours with verbal instructions.  This will prevent unnecessary dispatch or repeat phone calls.  If you need additional time, you can renew your instructions.  Make sure you call us if you need special instructions on your account for a longer time.