Health Care

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Healthcare facilities pose a myriad of security and life safety concerns from patient monitoring to valuable equipment and medicinal/pharmaceutical loss prevention 24/7. Risk and liability factors not only call for constant monitoring of most activities, never before has recorded video documentation meant so much. Response time is critical to both prevention and minimizing loss in any form. Municipal budgets have dramatically reduced law enforcement and emergency crew response times. In some localities responses are spotty and only for the most dire circumstances. Security staffs and the tools they need to carry out their duties need to be effective and reliable and have never been more important in the healthcare industry.

Our quality product line, installed and serviced by top notch certified technicians provides reliable and cost effective solutions that mitigate loss and the unnecessary expenses associated with increased risks.


Contact us today to learn more:
Phone: 1-800-44-ALARM
Fax: 508-324-9005

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Making Your Life Safer